柔らかでシンプルな生地だからこそ、わずかな傷さえごまかせない高い技術が要求される、シルクの無地着物生地に力を入れている谷勝織物工場。技術者である父親の跡を継いだ三代目の谷口能啓さん。一度は丹後を離れたが、のちに地元の魅力に気づき、 家業を継ぐことを決意した。丹後ちりめんの伝統を守ることの価値と意味を胸に、丹後で希少となってきた伝統的な織り方を貫いている。ところ狭しと織機が並ぶ工場で、 ぜひ谷口さんの思いを聞いてほしい。
Soft and simple fabric requires the highest technique to reduce even the slightest scratch. Tanikatsu Textile Factory’s specialty is plain silk kimono fabric. Yoshihiro Taniguchi, the third-generation of the company, once left Tango, however, came to realize the charm of his hometown and decided to take over the family business. Knowing the value and meaning of protecting the tradition of Tango Chirimen, he sticks to the traditional weaving technique which is becoming hard-to-find in Tango. Listen to his passion in his factory filled with weaving machines.