丹菱の自慢は、なんと言っても、目の前に美しい海が広がる壮観な景色と海風の気持ちよさ。もちろん、シルクではなくポリエステルちりめん、通称「ポリちり」にこだわる製品にも自信があふれている。ポリエステルを絹糸と同じ状態にするまでには数多くの工程を要するが、熟練の職人の手にかかれば、希望通りの風合いを出すこともお 手の物だ。コラボレーションにも積極的で、未来のアイテムを構想できる出会いにも 期待がふくらむばかりだ。
What Tanryo is proud of is the spectacular scenic view of the beautiful ocean and the gentle, refreshing sea breeze. Of course, their products of polyester Chirimen, so called “Poly-Chiri,” are also delivered with pride. It takes numerous processes to make polyester to be silk-like textile, however, skilled and knowledgeable artisans can create any desired texture as if there are no difficulties. They are eager to collaborate and their expectations grow, anticipating new encounters for exciting future products.