気付かないけど、なかったら困る。産業の塩「ねじ」をつくる会社こと、波多野製作所。その技術の高さは、京都中小企業優良企業 ものづくり部門で表彰を受けるほど。また、ぜひ注目してほしいのは経営の素晴らしさ。従業員の多くは地元綾部の兼業農家で、いわば副業として働く人たち。どのように現場を取り仕切っているかと思えば、従業員同士が自律的にサポートし合いながら農業もネジ製造も行ない地域を支えているという。
Though never in the spotlight, the world would be in trouble if screws didn't exist. Hatano Screw Manufacturing is a company that makes screws, the vital element of industry. The company's high level of technology is such that it received an award in the manufacturing category of Kyoto's Excellent Small and Medium Businesses. What is also noteworthy is the dynamic and cooperative way the company is organized. Many of the employees are in fact also working as farmers in Ayabe City. The employees actively support each other in both farming and screw manufacturing which is the key to how they sustain these two very different yet indispensable local industries.